Flora Danica

Flora Danica is an elite mare and the foundation mare of several of our horses. She is a medium-sized mare who breeds well and consistently. She is clearly the lead mare in our herd and manages the group with great confidence. She often helps if we have a problem with another horse and trains first-time mothers in the group.


Digitalis Hesthøj

Digitalis Hesthøj (born 2017) is our first generation of home-bred broodmares. She is very affectionate and always produces very friendly and easy-going foals. She passes on her good movement to her foals.


Did It Hesthøj

Did It Hesthøj (born 2017) is also our first generation of home-bred broodmares. We hope Did It will become the foundation mare for another bloodline at our stud. She is faithful and devoted. We fought for many years to get her – her name came about during her insemination: If it succeeded, the offspring would be named Did It – and so she came!


Edelweiss Hesthøj

Edelweiss Hesthøj (born 2020) is one of our young mares who will be included in our breeding program. She has a fantastic expression and exudes confidence. We are very excited to see how she will breed.



Dior-Ø (born 2006) is one of the broodmares at the stud. Dior-Ø is owned by Iben's mother, Jytte Strøm, and is Jytte's broodmare. Dior-Ø was also Iben's dressage competition horse.


Deceased Broodmares


Duet-D (born 2004) was our first broodmare. A beautiful mare who unfortunately only gave us one viable offspring, but a very special one – Did It Hesthøj.